Leadership for sustainability - developing managers 

A new sustainable leadership and management model?

There are many useful leadership models and prescriptions out there in the business and academic world. Good companies use them to recruit and develop courageous leaders; ones who are emotionally intelligent, humble but capable of articulating a powerful vision, able to unite people and engage them in change and transition, empowering their teams to be the best they can be.  

So, you might think that the world does not need another leadership model, especially not one focused on sustainable leadership.

New Angles is not alone in believing that companies actually do need to revise their approach and take a fresh look at the tools they are using to develop and evaluate their managers.

Why the need for a fresh look at leadership? The famous Einstein dictum says it all:. 

Einstein Quote New Angles

Seeing the world differently

In research New Angles did back in 2017 middle managers in 130 international companies  identified the biggest obstacles preventing faster integration of sustainability in their own organisation. The top barrier? Senior management decision-making!

And this is nothing but logical: the people running today’s companies are the people who spent 25 or 30 years getting to the top. During that time they learned to see the world a certain way. 

The fundamental challenge of integrating sustainability into business is that it requires managers at all levels to see the world differently and define success differently. We can’t hope to accelerate the global transition to sustainable business using the same leadership mindset that has single-mindedly pursued rising quarterly profits and limitless growth for decades.


Sustainable leadership and management model New Angles

A new approach to developing sustainable leaders

This is why New Angles has been co-piloting a new approach to developing sustainable business leaders, in cooperation with CEC European Managers. The CEC is the social partner of the European Commission. CEC European Managers represent a network of managers’ associations across the EU with over a million members. They received funding from the EU Directorate of Employment and Social Impact, within the framework of the Sustainable Leaders EU Project

Building on what works from the past and current best practices, we need to adjust our leadership orientation and leadership behaviours in organizations if we want to create a sustainable future. And we know from science that now is the time to take action! 

The 5 dimensions of the Sustainable Leadership Model

New Angles's leadership for sustainability model

Learn more about each of these 5 dimensions that compose the sustainable leadership model*:  

Purpose & Values

Systemic Understanding


Change competencies

Managerial practices

* New Angles has been co-piloting a new approach to developing sustainable business leaders, in the framework of the Sustainable Leaders EU Project. The project is led by CEC European Managers and co-funded by the European Commission. CEC European Managers is one of the six EU social partners and represents around one million managers from 16 European countries. We tested this new approach with pilot groups in three EU countries in 2021-2022. 

go further and discover New Angles' offers

Going further to develop sustainable leaders within your organisation

Developing Impact Leaders using our Leadership for Sustainability model is part of the New Angles’ mission. We help develop executives and managers in your company that are ready to lead change for positive impact. Learn more about our programs that help you leverage value creation and positive impact within your company.  We are happy to discuss your needs and sustainability goals during a free 30-minute call. Click below to reserve a slot!

Impact Base-Camp: developing impact leaders and creating a collective

Impact Academy: training ExCo’s and managers for impact

Impact Change Lab: building a sustainable business model & prototyping solutions

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